Our involvement in our local and national community is a result of seeing need, seeking God’s guidance, and utilizing the unique gifts, talents, and interests of the congregation.
Local Outreach Ministries
Backpack Ministry – Provide food for local school children who are in need of food on the weekends. Volunteers pack Mondays at 12:30 pm during the school year.
CROP Walk – Participate in Roanoke’s CROP walk to help raise money for local food assistance programs and to bring awareness to hunger in our community and around the world.

Habitat for Humanity – Help build houses and provide family support. Oak Grove has recently participated in Apostle’s Build, a project where multiple churches sponsor and build a house for a local family.
Peace and Justice Committee – Raises awareness of how Oak Grove addresses justice for the oppressed and how the congregation is demonstrating love and grace to others. Initiates short-term projects that highlight seeking ways to bring peace and justice.
Project WARM – Split and deliver firewood to persons in need in the Roanoke Valley area.

Rescue Mission – Support homeless and the addiction recovery program; provides clothing and household donations; help prepare meals, mailings, and cleaning
Sleep In Heavenly Peace – Volunteer at their local chapter’s bed Build Days. This organization is “dedicated to building, assembling and delivering top-notch bunk beds to children and families in need.”
National Outreach Ministries
Brethren Disaster Ministries – Recruit volunteers to assist Red Cross and FEMA in providing child care and helping rebuild homes.

FaithX – Send teams of youth and adults on faith expedition trips to various parts of the country during the summer.
Church World Services (CWS) Kits and Blankets – Collect and assemble school, hygiene, and emergency clean up kits. Collect monetary donations during Sunday offering for the purpose of purchasing blankets for CWS.
SERRV and Equal Exchange – Sell merchandise made by disadvantaged artisans from third world countries during our annual church bazaar. Serve Equal Exchange’s fair trade coffee during church fellowship hour and other church activities.